Saturday, April 3, 2010

Where the Streetcar Will Take You...

Take the streetcar and you'll be dropped within blocks of an Apple Store in downtown Portland. The store is in Pioneer Place and today was the iPad launch day. So what better way to get your reserved iPad than to take the streetcar to pick it up. Here's Voice from the Couch (see Fifty Two Pieces) being handed his iPad. The time was 9:30 am. Considering there were at least 250 people in line in front of us when we arrived at 8:15 and the doors didn't open until 9:00 am, that was a fairly short wait. The service provided by Apple is top-notch, almost unsurpassed. And the iPad is phenomenal. Voice has let me use it, but he does keep it on a short leash so I will always have to ask!!!

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