Sunday, February 21, 2010

Streetcar Home from the Symphony

Voice from the Couch and I were able to get tickets to see Angela Hewitt playing Mozart with the Oregon Symphony today. She was great but I also did enjoy the last two movements of the Berlioz and the Webern, especially the Webern. After the concert, I missed catching most of the violinists as they left the concert hall but did capture three of the cello players and two of them with their cases. The other highlight was the street person who asked me to take his photo after his friend told me that was what he really wanted me to do that. To see his image and the others from the day, click here. All in all a great day ending with a cassoulet I had cooked this morning.

1 comment:

  1. The cello army...can never be subversive until they come up with a camouflage case. Orthopedists love musicians.


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